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  • 14-year old Divine Kaponda emerges winner of AMAI's Kids Got-Talent Competition in Ireland

14-year old Divine Kaponda emerges winner of AMAI's Kids Got-Talent Competition in Ireland

The competition organizer and chair for the entertainment, Magga Mateo, said Divine was voted by the judges as the top winner for displaying amazing skills in arts, drawings, and painting.

Fourteen-year-old Malawian girl Divine Kaponda who lives in Dublin, Ireland, has been declared the top winner in the Association of Malawians in Ireland ( AMAI) Kids Got-Talent Virtual Competition held virtually on the association's official Facebook page on Sunday, November 28, 2021.

The competition organizer and chair for the entertainment, Magga Mateo, said Divine was voted by the judges as the top winner for displaying amazing skills in arts, drawings, and painting.

“She deserves the top winner for the competition. She has displayed very amazing skills. She got talent and that is why we are giving her this amount to make her work hard,” he said.

She thanked all kids who participated in the competition for being outstanding and phenomenal.

“Let me also pass my gratitude to our sponsors Moto Money for coming in at the right time. As for the judges, Franz Amin, Vida Garmano Michelle Lofts, and Diolet Chakwiya, I cannot say much for the amazing job you have done. AMAI is so grateful, she thanked.”

Chairperson for the Association of Malawians in Ireland Henry Mkumbira Phiri said the association decided to come up with a competition to identify skills among Malawian kids who live in Ireland.

“As an association, we decided to come up with this competition to identify skills among Malawian kids who are living here in Ireland. AMAI will also conduct a similar competition next year,” said Phiri.

The winner, Divine, thanked AMAI for organizing the competition which she said will take skills among Malawian kids in Ireland to a higher level.

“We are very thankful to AMAI for coming up with this wonderful competition. This prize will help me to work extra hard and extend my skills. I hope this will also encourage others who have not done well to work hard and improve. We say thank you AMAI,” said Divine.

Divine walked away with €100 (MK100,000.00) seconded by Angelica Khonje who went away with €75( MK75,000. 00), and third were insight kids who went away €50 (MK50,000.00).

The rest 19 kids from across the divide who participated in the competition received €20 (MK20,000) each for the participation.

The Kids Got-Talent virtual competition started on November 6 to November 28, 2021, and was sponsored by Moto Money online banking in Ireland.