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  • Over 440 girls have been impregnated in Thyolo

Over 440 girls have been impregnated in Thyolo

Thyolo's Social Welfare Office recorded 440 pregnant cases among young girls in the district from April to June 2022.

Malawi: Thyolo's Social Welfare Office recorded 440 pregnant cases among young girls in the district from April to June 2022, writes Brenda Nkosi.

Tobby Milanzi, the district's Social Welfare Officer, revealed this on Wednesday during a Child Protection and Social Welfare quarterly meeting held at the MSF conference room.

"We have recorded the following cases in the last quarter: 440 pregnant girls, 110 child cases of abuse, 23 defilements, and 99 children withdrawn from marriages," he said.

Derick Mwenda, Thyolo's Principal Social Welfare Officer, explained why they decided to commemorate this year's district Day of the African Child in a unique way.

"We've noticed that previous district commemorations had very little community participation, implying that the impact was minimal. We want to meet communities this year, so we've dedicated the entire month of August to community sensitizations at the Group Village Headman level,” he stated.

Mwenda stated that many child abuse cases are bordering on poor parenting, which is rooted in the Thyolo culture.

"Parents have no responsibility for their own children because their uncle is culturally responsible for them," he explained.

Malawi observed the Day of the African Child on June 23, 2022, with the theme: Eliminating Harmful Practices Affecting Children.