83% pass 2022 PSLCE exams

According to MANEB Executive Director, Prof. Dorothy Nampota, the PSLCE pass rate is the second highest in the last five years.

Malawi: The Ministry of Education, through the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB), has released the results of the 2022 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education on Sunday, October 2, 2022. (PSLCE).

Out of the 260,295 candidates who took the exam, 216,664 passed. This represents an 83.24% pass rate (a slight decrease from the previous year's 83.83%).

According to MANEB Executive Director, Prof. Dorothy Nampota, the PSLCE pass rate is the second highest in the last five years.

“We have seen more female candidates sitting for the examination 2 years in a row although more male candidates have passed compared to female candidates," she said.

The PSLCE examination was taken by 3, 668 special needs (SNE) candidates, and 2, 672 passed, representing a 72.55% pass rate. Out of 1.766 SNE male candidates who took the exam, 1,345 passed, while 1,899 SNE female candidates took the exam and 1,327 passed, representing 69.88%.

A total of 89,404 candidates were chosen to begin Form One in various secondary schools.

Hon. Agness NyaLonje, Minister of Education, announced that Joseph Magombo of Nankhaka Primary School in Lilongwe and Miriam Kachala of Chiperoni Primary School are this year's top students in the PSLCE examination, with 448 marks out of 500.

The top ten performing education districts in descending order are: 

Zomba Urban (95.98%)

Nkhata Bay (93.88%)

Likoma ( 93.00%)

Mzuzu City ( 92.64%)

Phalombe ( 92.44%)

Zomba Rural ( 91.72%)

Mulanje (91.08%)

Rumphi (90.72%)

Thyolo (89.14%)

Mchinji (85.91%)

The bottom ten (10) performing districts, in ascending order are: 

Mwanza (70.21%),

Nsanje (70.59%),

Neno (75.19%),

Ntcheu (75.56%),

Chikwawa (76.85%),

Nkhotakota (79.04%),

Blantyre Rural (79.59%),

Ntchisi (79.62%),

Mangochi (79.71%),

Machinga (80.02%)