The 2010 Malawi School Certificate of Education Examinations have started today, with a total of ninety six thousand two hundred candidates registered to sit for the examinations.

Last year a total of one hundred and nineteen thousand candidates registered for the examinations.

Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) Deputy Executive Director, David Yadidi, attributed the drop to reluctance of some students to adopt the new examination system that now compels candidates to sit for both literature and language subjects.

This year’s 2010 Malawi School Certificate of Education Examinations are on.

Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) Deputy Executive Director, David Yadidi, says unlike last year when a total of one hundred and nineteen thousand candidates registered for the examinations, only ninety six thousand two hundred candidates registered to sit for the examinations this year.

Mr. Yadidi explains the sharp drop.

Insert: Yadidi eng 1

This year’s Junior Certificate Examinations were rocked with cases of late delivery of student identity cards, a development that irked some concerned candidates and their guardians.

MANEB blames some school authorities of collecting the student ID card late.

Mr. Yadidi says MANEB will ensure that this does not happen this time around.

Meanwhile, MANEB Deputy Executive Director says security is high.

28 October, 2010