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  • ACB worried with lack of corruption complaints in KK

ACB worried with lack of corruption complaints in KK

ACB's Senior Public Education Officer, Tapiwa Nyoni, stated during a community corruption awareness rally at Nkhunga Market in the district.

Malawi: The Anti-Corruption Bureau, a graft-busting body, has expressed concern about a lack of complaints about corruption suspected cases in Nkhotakota.

ACB's Senior Public Education Officer, Tapiwa Nyoni, stated during a community corruption awareness rally at Nkhunga Market in the district.

Nyoni said that for the past years, ACB has received an average of two complaints per year from the district.

But Nyoni stated that since the launch of a 20-week anti-corruption campaign on July 26, the number of reported corruption has increased.

Nyoni said: "We normally receive complaints from all places, and another reason why we thought of Nkhotakota is that we don't receive many reports from Nkhotakota, possibly because they don't know or are unaware of the process or platforms that are available for them to report the complaints. So we feel that our coming here will also help to open the doors for those people in Nkhotakota, particularly here in Dwangwa, to report to ACB, but so far in other areas everything is fine, but for places like Nkhotakota people were not really reporting, so we feel that when we return people will start reporting."

Group Village Headman Chibvuta and Nkhunga Anti-corruption Committee Chairperson Boniface Mwale both stated that they have increased community awareness to help people learn more about the vice of corruption.

"Nkhunga Anti-corruption Club has agreed to join hands in the fight against corruption by sensitising communities on the vice of corruption and assisting them in reporting cases in their area," Mwale said.

ACB launched a 20-week anti-corruption campaign on July 26th, with the campaign expected to conclude on December 9th, World Anti-Corruption Day.