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Our AIM Foundation calls for more support towards hospitals

Dr. Parth Patel has urged health care stakeholders including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to channel more support to government hospitals in the country

MALAWI: Board Trustee of Our AIM Foundation (OAF), Dr. Parth Patel, has urged health care stakeholders including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to channel more support to government hospitals in the country, in a bid to improve their service delivery.

Speaking on the sidelines of donation of medical equipment worth over K50 million to Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) done by OAF with funding from Bread and Water for Africa recently, Patel said government hospitals are overwhelmed with inadequate resources hence they need support.

“Most of the times in government hospitals there is more demand for health care however they work with the limited resources which affect the hospitals to meet up the demands, hence there is need for more support towards these hospitals,” Patel said.

Asked why his organization decided to donate at KCH, the Board Trustee said that frequently they support small health units therefore they want to also to reach out to big hospitals after observing high demand in the hospitals.

“Oftentimes we support small health units which already receive more donations than the tertiary institutions where there is more demand for health care, for this reason, we thought it wise to also reach out to big hospitals with help and we have started with Kamuzu Central Hospital,” he said.

He also said that OAF is committed to providing more help to KCH saying that another batch of medical supplies is in the process to be shipped in the country.

 “Currently we are waiting for two more shipments of medical equipment from the United States of America and we are formalizing a bilateral relationship with Kamuzu Central Hospital with an aim of strategically saving many lives through advanced health care,” he explained.

In his remarks, KCH Director, Dr. Jonathan Ngoma hailed OAF for its gesture saying that it is timely and it will improve service delivery at KCH.

 “I am delighted with the support from Our AIM Foundation for instance through this organization we now have insulin syringes which have been out of stock for a long time at KCH.

“Similarly, we now have feeding cups to help newborn babies which the pediatric department has been struggling to have for the babies,” Ngoma said.

With the recent support, OAF among other things donated items like surgical equipment, delivery beds, maternity delivery packs, protective personal gear, and other essential drugs such as insulin.