We're already experts in our own way!

I'm reminded that I have a wealth of writing and journalistic knowledge to share. The other day when a friend saw me attending some training, he jokingly said I was OVER-TRAINED!


“If I wait for the genius to come, it just doesn't arrive.” – Ian Fleming, Born May 28, 1908.⁣

Last week, a new Mozambiquan friend I met in Zimbabwe last year contacted me to seek my advice on a story-writing challenge he was facing. My first thought was, "Why is he asking that of me?"

I responded to him after a few hours. I had to remind myself that I'd been doing this for more than a decade (having worked with privately-own Zodiak Broadcasting Station in Malawi from 2009 to 2019), that I'd dealt with exactly what he was asking for, and that I knew how to assist.

Even then, I felt completely unprepared. There had to be someone more qualified he could ask.

Then it dawned on me that, despite the fact that we hadn't spoken in months since we met in Harare, Zimbabwe, he was still confident enough in me to reach out. Which, to be honest, was a little ego boost.

Moments like these leave me conflicted. On the one hand, I feel like I'm not qualified to offer writing or journalistic advice to anyone.

On the other hand, I'm reminded that I have a wealth of writing and journalistic knowledge to share.

The other day when a friend saw me attending some training, he jokingly said I was OVER-TRAINED! Maybe he had some point.

It's not just about the years or the number of journalistic projects I've completed. I've had unique experiences that can provide someone else with a valuable perspective.

Since 2009 when I plunged into professional journalism, I have written 1, 000s stories, winning more than 10 media awards, including the 2015 SADC Best Radio Journalist Award.

There is always someone who can benefit from what I know, just as I have learned from others.

We talked after I recovered from my mini-existential crisis, and he seemed genuinely grateful for the information I gave him.

Similarly, I was grateful for the reminder that I am good enough at what I do to help others.

You, too, are a guru in your field and can—-and should—-help someone else who needs it.

Yours truly,

Winston Mwale,


PS If you’re working on some journalistic work and think you need a hand, why not reach out to me: remember, iron sharpens iron!

Here’s my WhatsApp number: +265991500730