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APAUSE in drive to increase school access, attendance

The organisation, founded in 2010, has successfully reduced pregnancy rates to zero in some schools in Rumphi, Mzimba North, Nkhata Bay, and Mzuzu City, says Mumba.

Malawi: APAUSE, a Malawi-based independent registered non-governmental and non-profit civil society organisation, says its primary goal is to supplement the skills curriculum and opportunities available to Malawian youth by increasing school access and attendance.

APAUSE Executive Director According to Peter Mumba says the entire thing is accomplished through the development of capacity for the delivery of a comprehensive, inclusive, and effective relationships and sex education programme.

Mumba says the goal is to build on more than thirty years of international health education research while also making a significant impact by serving those who are deprived and marginalised in society.

"Our primary goal is to see young people make informed decisions about their sexual lives. And committing to completing their education,” he said.

“We intend to be African champions in sex education because we are a solution. We have a solution to the problems that young people are facing.”

APAUSE-which works with secondary and community schools-currently operates in Mzuzu, Nkhata Bay, Mzimba North, and Rumphi, but hopes to expand to all districts in Malawi.

The organisation, founded in 2010, has successfully reduced pregnancy rates to zero in some schools in Rumphi, Mzimba North, Nkhata Bay, and Mzuzu City, says Mumba.

According to Mumba, they require collaborative efforts from various players to save their future by providing platforms where they can openly discuss the challenges they face in most parts of the country and devise better support mechanisms.