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  • Bangula Police Eagles, Sorgin Volleyball Club qualify for regional tournament

Bangula Police Eagles, Sorgin Volleyball Club qualify for regional tournament

Bangula Police Eagles deputy team manager Herbert Mizedya stated that they deserved to win the tournament because they worked hard in training.

Malawi: Two teams from the neighbouring area, Sorgin Volleyball Club and Bangula Police Eagles qualified for the Southern Region Volleyball tournament after winning the preliminary round on Sunday. Games were held at the Police Eagles Volleyball Court, but only four teams competed.

In post-match interviews, Bangula Police Eagles deputy team manager Herbert Mizedya stated that they deserved to win the tournament because they worked hard in training and are hopeful that such results will continue on a regional level despite the shire valley zone tournament having fewer teams participating in increasing competition.

"We have been training hard in preparation for the tournament, and the boys have been committed to listening to our pieces of advice," he said.

"We are looking forward to having such wonderful performance on a regional level, and we will work on a few areas we are confident that we can grab the regional trophy after beating teams."

Sorgin Volleyball Club captain Isaiah Jasi, for his part, praised his charges for a good performance despite finishing second and expressed confidence that they will do better at the regional level.

Still, he requested financial support from well-wishers and companies for the team to proceed to regional tournament games.

"We are very impressed with the performance and are hopeful that we will show this again in the regional tournament that is ahead of us, congratulations Bangula Eagles they have also given us a good game to us being second it's a great motivation being a young team let me ask well-wishers and companies to support us," he said.

In his remarks, Chikwawa Police Eagles Coach and Vice Chairperson Lowershire Volleyball League Zone Michael Nkhambule stated that they were defeated because a large number of players were absent due to other obligations such as school and setbacks from transportation work, but that they are looking forward to having the full squad.

"We had a very poor performance today because we brought young players because a lot of the guys we rely on are busy with other assignments such as school and office work," he explained.

"On the plus side, we already qualified for the national tournament, and we will be looking forward to participating with the portable squad."