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  • Bombshell Interdiction: Anti-Corruption Bureau Director Suspended Amid Criminal Proceedings

Bombshell Interdiction: Anti-Corruption Bureau Director Suspended Amid Criminal Proceedings

The letter states that the interdiction order will be in effect until her criminal proceedings are finished.

Martha Chizuma arrest sparks debate - The Times Group Malawi

Malawi: The Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Ms. Martha Chizuma, has been interdicted from her duties effective January 31st, 2023, “following serious misconduct allegations”.

In a letter to Chizuma, Colleen Zamba, Secretary to the President and Cabinet, states that this decision was made by the Office of the President and Cabinet and is compliant with the Malawi Public Service Commission Regulation.

Ms. Chizuma is facing two charges in a criminal court case, including making use of speech allegedly capable of lowering the authority of a person before whom a judicial proceeding is being had and making use of speech capable of prejudicing a person against a party to judicial proceedings.

In the letter, Zamba states that these accusations are regarded as serious misconduct for a public official and a representative of the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

"In view of this, and in accordance with the Malawi Public Service Commission Regulation 42 (3) as read with Regulation 40, you are interdicted from exercising the powers and functions of your office as Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (Grade 1/C) effective 31 January 2023, with full pay," says the Secretary to the President and Cabinet.

While under interdiction, Ms. Chizuma will be prohibited from performing any duties or exercising any authority in the public sector, and she is not permitted to leave Malawi without the Office of the President and Cabinet's express written consent.

The letter states that the interdiction order will be in effect until her criminal proceedings are finished.