
How do you feel when you backbite others, busybody.


Busybody, why do you talk about others everyday.

Don't you know that you'll pay for that one day.

How do you feel when you backbite others, busybody.

Don't you know that you're hurting everybody.

Enough busybody!

Jack and Jill are now bitter enemies because of you.

Yet they used to stick to each other like sand to glue.

Their enviable friendship is now in tatters.

Just because of your evil tongue that shatters.

Enough busybody!

One day in lightning speed your rushed to Jack.

And said, Jill says your face is like a rake.

Angry and confused, Jack went out and about.

To scold his good old friend with a shout.

Enough busybody!

You, busybody laughed a pitiless laugh.

But one day you'll be broken like chaff.

Your lies that piece people's heart like arrows.

Will in due course come back to you like swallows.

Enough busybody!

Now listen to these words of mine.

And don't pretend to be drunk with wine.

I now say to you: enough busybody!

We're fed up with your lies and stuff.

Enough busybody!

Enough busybody!