Chakwera speaks on Covid 19 jabs 

Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera, who is also the chairperson of SADC, said it was high time African countries started developing their own coronavirus vaccine.

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Malawi President Lazarus Chakwera, who is also the chairperson for the Southern Development Community (SADC ) said it was high time African countries started developing their own coronavirus vaccine.

This follows reports that indicate that European countries are not recognizing African people who have been vaccinated in Africa.

This development has since raised fears and confusion among African countries; hence, the calls by Chakwera that African countries should start producing their own covid vaccine.

Making his sentiments with France 24, Chakwera said that it’s not fair that other European countries are having millions of vaccines doses while the rest of the world is dying from covid 19.

Chakwera said, “I fully agree with South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa that there is vaccine apartheid on covid 19 jabs and we demand equal access for poor countries.”

The Malawi President also took advantage to condemn what has happened in Sudan as not being democratic.

He said that in Africa, citizens use democratic means in solving misunderstandings not taking over governments through coups as it has happened in Sudan where the military has taken over the government.