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  • Citizen Engagement Committee Urges Malawians to Stay Informed on Community Developments

Citizen Engagement Committee Urges Malawians to Stay Informed on Community Developments

Edward Chileka Banda is the Executive Director of the Citizen Alliance and the Chairperson of the committee.

Malawi: The Citizens Engagement Committee, a division of the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) under the National Local Government Finance Committee, is urging all Malawians to keep up with changes taking place in their individual communities, writes Tionge Hara.

The call was made on Friday, January 27, during a panel discussion that the Citizen Engagement Committee had arranged in Rumphi district.

Edward Chileka Banda is the Executive Director of the Citizen Alliance and the Chairperson of the committee.

Banda emphasized the importance of giving local residents a sense of pride in and awareness of what is happening, including the resources allocated and the progress of developments.

He additionally urged the participants in the discussion to embrace the decentralisation spirit (Mphamvu kuwanthu).

The amount given for a project and the amount of work completed should match, Banda further urged the populace.

He emphasised the significance of citizens attending meetings like this one and keeping track of these developments.

The Citizen Engagement Committee organised the panel discussion as part of GESD's mission to strengthen local authorities' institutional performance, responsiveness to citizens, and management of resources for service delivery.