Come join the AfricaBrief

Come join us. Become a freelance Reporter of the AfricaBrief. It’s a chance to learn, contribute, get connected and make a difference.

Do you love writing and/or photography and want to raise issues that matter to you? Do you want to be part of a thriving global community of development reporters and community activists? Then we offer you a stepping stone.

Come join us. Become a freelance Reporter of the AfricaBrief. It’s a chance to learn, contribute, get connected and make a difference.

What is the AfricaBrief Reporter program?

In an effort to build a global network of development activists and to create a robust continental team for reporting development, the AfricaBrief has introduced the concept of Freelance Reporter program.

The idea is to offer an international platform and tools to people who are passionate and committed about developmental issues, primarily of the African continent.

Who can apply?

Regardless of their nationality or origin, freelance writers, photographers, journalists, community and NGO workers, youth workers, development activists, students of community development, development studies, community media and people directly taking part in different development initiatives can send their applications.

What are the qualifications required? There is no formal qualification required for the post, but you should sufficiently be able to demonstrate your inclination to developmental issues of the African continent and should possess sound knowledge of the English language.

How long will I work as an AfricaBrief Reporter?

Once recruited, you will be working as a Reporter for the AfricaBrief for a fixed period of one year. Within that period, you must be able to make at least 3 (article/feature) submissions or at least 8 photo submissions.

After your tenure is over, you will receive a letter of appreciation/experience from us.

AfricaBrief reporters that are able to make a remarkable contribution during their year-long tenure as a development reporter often continue with AfricaBrief as special correspondents or regional editors.

What will you be doing as a Reporter for AfricaBrief?

First, you will receive a number of reading materials and guidebooks on development journalism and community media. Once you have gone through them, you can start writing articles, features, photo essays or even start producing short videos on developmental issues.

Your articles and any other submissions will be published on the AfricaBrief’s official website.

What is the history of the AfricaBrief?

Established in 2019, the AfricaBrief was founded by award-winning journalist Winston Mwale, and has since evolved into a community of writers and journalists as well as community activists from different parts of the world, especially Africa.

How to apply?

You can apply for the post of AfricaBrief Reporter by sending your enquiry to Winston via WhatsApp: +265991500730. You will be required to attach your most recent curriculum vitae (CV), a headshot and a feature story/article of about 600-1000 words.

Applicants based in the SADC countries will be prioritized. Even though we might already have a country correspondent in the country of your residence, you can still apply to become an AfricaBrief Reporter.

There can be more than one reporters for the same country/territory.


If selected, you will be connected and be part of an exciting and thriving continental team that seeks to make the Africa a better place. All successful applicants will be provided an opportunity to create their profile accounts on our website.

In addition, we will provide you with a certificate of work experience after you have worked with us for at least a year and you will frequently receive different training manuals to work effectively as a development journalist.

However, we are a not-for-profit organization and almost all of our activities are carried out by volunteers. Based on the existing policy of the organization, please note that you won’t be paid for your work.

If selected, you must be able to make at least three contributions during your tenure as a development reporter.

If you need additional information or if you have any questions please write us via WhatsApp: +265991500730.

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