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Communities Urged to Keep Politics Out of Relief Distribution in Chikwawa

Communities in Chikwawa South have been urged to refrain from applying politics to the distribution of relief items to people affected by tropical cyclone Freddy, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

CHIKWAWA, Malawi - Communities in Chikwawa South have been urged to refrain from applying politics to the distribution of relief items to people affected by tropical cyclone Freddy, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

Illias Abudal Karim, Member of Parliament for the constituency, made the statement over the weekend when the Fazian Global Relief Foundation (FGRF) distributed assorted food items at the Chilumba evacuation centre in the area of Senior Chief Ngabu in Chikwawa.

Karim expressed concern over some people who are politicizing the distribution of food items to the displaced people, saying, "In times of trouble like this one, let us not put politics into assisting the victims."

The lawmaker assured the people in the area of his total commitment to sourcing various aid from both local and international agencies.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure that relief items reach those who need them the most, regardless of political affiliation," Karim stated.

Ibrahim Mataya, the Public Relations Officer for FGRF, hailed the good relationship between the organization and the Member of Parliament for Chikwawa South. He mentioned that when the cyclone hit Chikwawa South, Karim immediately contacted FGRF for assistance.

"We conducted assessments in the constituency to see the extent of damage caused by tropical cyclone Freddy," said Mataya, emphasizing the organization's commitment to providing aid to those in need.

Meanwhile, FGRF has reached out to survivors in Blantyre, Phalombe, Mulanje, and Chikwawa with assorted food items worth over K250 million. The organization continues to work towards providing much-needed relief to the affected communities.