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  • Community Forum NGO Encourages Students in Lower Shire to Improve Performance

Community Forum NGO Encourages Students in Lower Shire to Improve Performance

CFNO is working to improve the quality of education in Chikwawa and other parts of the Lower Shire by encouraging students to improve their performance on national exams, writes Martha Chirwa.

Malawi-The Community Forum Non-governmental Organization (NGO) is working to improve the quality of education in Chikwawa and other parts of the Lower Shire by encouraging students to improve their performance on national exams, writes Martha Chirwa.

The NGO is distributing syllabi to different schools to ensure that they have adequate teaching and learning materials and is providing additional training to teachers to help them teach learners with different understandings.

According to Joshua Malunga, the Chief Executive Officer of the NGO, the project, known as "Teaching at the Right Level," aims to improve the quality of education in the region.

"We want to ensure that learners have access to the resources they need to succeed and that teachers are equipped to provide effective instruction to students of varying abilities," he said.

The project is already showing positive results.

At Chilongoma Primary School in the Traditional Authority Mulilima in Chikwawa, learners are already benefiting from the program.

"The project is fruitful and is helping learners improve in reading and spelling," said Racheal Chimalizen, speaking on behalf of other learners.

"We now have access to books, which was not the case before."

The Community Forum NGO was registered in March 2019 and is working with four traditional authorities, namely Mulilima, Makhwira, Kasisi, and Chapananga, in Chikwawa.

By distributing syllabi and providing additional training to teachers, the NGO is working to ensure that all learners in the region have access to quality education and are prepared to succeed on national exams.