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  • Court in Lilongwe adjourns ivory case to June 17

Court in Lilongwe adjourns ivory case to June 17

Kelby Roy Malambo is accused of illegally possessing 22 pieces of raw ivory weighing 64.905 kgs and valued at MK53, 546,625.00.

Malawi: A wildlife case involving a Zambian national, Kelby Roy Malambo (47) has been adjourned by the Lilongwe Magistrates Court to June 17, 2022, for the continuation of defence.

Malambo is accused of illegally possessing 22 pieces of raw ivory weighing 64.905 kgs and valued at MK53, 546,625.00.

According to Lilongwe police, the accused was apprehended at the Mwami border total filling station in Mchinji district while in possession of contrabands, in violation of section 86 (1) as read with section 110B (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Malambo is also accused of dealing in government trophies, which is a violation of Section 91 (1) and Section 110 (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

He is also accused of importing specimens without presenting a valid permit to a customs officer, in violation of Section 98 (b) as read with Section 111 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act, Chapter 66: 07 of the Laws of Malawi.

During last week's court hearing, Moses Richard, a defence witness from Lusaka, Zambia, stated that he was working as a guard for Malambo at the time when the wildlife products were being transported from Zambia to Malawi.

He also stated that he was with Malambo when a man named Steve approached them with two sucks and a black bag, which were later taken by the accused person on a motorbike heading to Malawi via an uncharted route.

Richard stated that he later learned that Malambo was arrested by Malawi police after closing the border with the items he was carrying on his motorcycle; however, he told the court that he had no knowledge of what prompted his boss's arrest.

However, the defence informed the court that the final witness was unable to appear in court because he was attending a funeral.

As a result, the state and defence agreed to reopen the case on June 17, 2022, for further defence.