The Dark Side of Covid-19

Lungu says Yaliwe is jobless and only relies on selling fritters for survival.

That coronavirus is now wrecking havoc in Africa is an open secret. Apart from causing numerous deaths, hundreds of people have also been thrown into untold sufferings due to the pandemic.

Take, as example, the case of a 48-year-old covid-19 patient in Blantyre who is now stranded after her landlord in Mbayani Township ordered her not to return to her house for fear of spreading the virus to neighbours in the compound.

Yaliwe Phiri, a single mother of two, was admitted to QECH for the past seven days and was supposed to return home on Monday, after being discharged from the hospital.

"Her son and daughter told me that they got a call from the hospital informing them that they had to go and take their mother home as she was supposedly fine, " More Blessings Lungu, mother of Yaliwe, told AfricaBrief, sounding so disturbed.

Lungu says Yaliwe is jobless and only relies on selling fritters for survival.

Meanwhile, Lungu says Yaliwe's children are now frantically searching for another house to rent, as their landlord has vowed not to allow them stay in his house any longer.

Lungu, who lives in Thyolo, can be reached on this phone number: +265 888 75 41 15