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Doha Programme of Action unveils 5 key deliverables for Least Developed Countries

Doha Programme of Action aids Least Developed Countries towards sustainable development before 2030 deadline-Matiisetso Mosala.

Doha, Qatar- As the deadline for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development draws closer, the Doha Programme of Action has been formulated as new policies and support measures for sustainability and development for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), writes Matiisetso Mosala.

The programme identifies five key deliverables that will assist the LDCs in removing structural impediments to inclusive growth and sustainable development, going beyond the 2030 Agenda.

The Fifth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, held over the next 5 days, is crucial in determining the commitment of world leaders and respective countries to the successful implementation of the Doha Programme of Action.

The conference aims to support the development and transition of LDCs by promoting policies and strategies that can reduce poverty and ensure sustainable growth.

The five deliverables outlined in the Doha Programme of Action are:

  1. ONLINE UNIVERSITY: This deliverable seeks to increase the provision of high-quality education, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, and the diverse range of digital skills that LDCs need to cope with the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The Online University can allow people in the LDCs to access educational opportunities that may not be available to them otherwise.

  2. SUSTAINABLE GRADUATION SUPPORT FACILITY (IGRAD): To ensure a smooth transition from the LDC category by assisting graduating countries to prepare for graduation and post-graduation sustainable development.

  3. FOOD STOCKHOLDING MECHANISM: This deliverable aims to enhance LDCs’ capacity to address food security by providing a buffer against food shortages and price volatility, thereby helping to increase food security in LDCs.

  4. INVESTMENT SUPPORT CENTRE: The Investment Support Centre aims to increase Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows towards LDCs, improving financing for sustainable development and bolstering the transformative potential of the private sector.

  5. RESILIENCE BUILDING MECHANISM: This deliverable seeks to increase LDCs’ resilience to climate change through adaptation, early warning system improvement, and multi-stakeholder resilience-building measures. Such measures will support the ability of individuals, communities, and systems to withstand and recover from adverse shocks; build long-term resilience; and safeguard hard-won development gains.

Civil society organizations and the media, as the fourth estate across the world, have the responsibility to hold world leaders accountable for their commitments aimed at the development and transition of LDCs.

The successful implementation of the Doha Programme of Action is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals and eradicating poverty in the world.