Drama and intrigue surrounding seventy-two-year-old, Mr. Sephas Chimdima, who was savagely bitten by five vicious dogs of his boss last week, continue.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Labour, Mr. Yunus Mussa, led a high-powered government delegation to cheer Mr. Chimdima at Kamuzu Central Hospital.

And Mrs. Gift Mwalwanda, a nurse at the hospital explains the current condition of the Mr. Chimdima.

Later, the Minister of Labour went to Area 3 police stations were Mr. Scaval is being kept.

While there, he ordered owner of the five vicious dogs that savagely bit his watchman to sign compensation forms for the victim.

But drama erupted, as the lawyer Mr. George Mwale, who is representing Mr. Scaval, argued with the labour minister that he thought that his client was being ordered to complete the compensation papers under duress.

The labour officials then left the documents with the lawyer.

Meanwhile, police say they will take Mr. Scaval to court as soon as police investigations are over.

Police Spokesperson Willie Mwaluka explains.

Mr. Scaval is in police custody.

14 JULY, 2010