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  • Eight Men Escape from Police Custody in Nsanje District

Eight Men Escape from Police Custody in Nsanje District

Eight men escaped Chiromo Police Post, Nsanje District, on March 5, 2023, according to police spokeswoman, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

Malawi - Eight men escaped from Chiromo Police Post in Nsanje District on Sunday morning, district Police Station Spokeswoman, Sub-Inspector Agnes Zalakoma, has confirmed, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

Zalakoma further revealed that one of the escapees, Jonathan Mtsinje, 38, from Eliyamtengo in the area of Traditional Authority Kaphuka in Dedza, has been apprehended.

Mtsinje had been previously charged with the offences of being found in possession of property suspected to have been stolen and escaping from lawful custody.

According to an inside source, the escape occurred when two male and two female police officers were on duty.

The male officers were outside while the female officers were attending to the police cell and the Occurrence Book (OB).

The source alleged that while the officers were serving food to the men in custody, the cell door was opened slowly.

The men then asked the police officer to open the door wider, and they overpowered the female officer and poured water over her head.

They then used this as an advantage to escape from custody, the source said.

Police in the district have launched a manhunt for the remaining escapees and are appealing to the public to provide any information that may lead to their arrest.