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  • Empowering Rural Malawi: How Clara Kamlomo's Amazing B Project is Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Farming

Empowering Rural Malawi: How Clara Kamlomo's Amazing B Project is Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Farming

Kamlomo's Amazing B Project Empowers Rural Malawi Through Farming, Creating Jobs & Livelihood Improvement, writes Sumeya Issa.

Malawi-Malawi's rural communities make up a great majority of the population. With the poverty rate so significantly high, rural communities are left suffering the harsh realities of a crumbling economy, writes Sumeya Issa.

Statistics clearly highlight the poverty line in Malawi, where a majority of the population, who are rural citizens, live and survive on less than a dollar a day.

In rural Malawi, families are usually headed by a male or female; who is often left with the responsibility of taking care of the family and putting food on the table.

However, with limitations such as a lack of adequate education and employment opportunities, life tends to be more challenging and complicated.

Where farming and harvesting of crops are seasonal, families are often left stranded and with limited access to food and other essential resources for their daily livelihood.

In rural Lilongwe, in Mitundu, a young, passionate female farmer, Clara Kamlomo, is bringing light to her community by creating temporary employment opportunities and training for locals who are in dire need of income and exposure to the right opportunities.

"We had many challenges before our encounter with the Amazing B Project founder, Madam Kamlomo, who is providing people in this community with temporary employment. This is an opportunity for us to generate our own income and be able to support our families, so we are truly grateful," narrates Ndaona Maliford, a local community resident benefiting from Kamlomo's initiative.

Maliford, like many other women in rural Malawi, has her own set of responsibilities as well as ambitions.

She adds, "Kamlomo's farming interventions are equally motivating community members to expand and invest further into their own individual farming projects."

"We have been motivated and empowered to do more through her farming expertise and knowledge. We are now able to actively expand our small farming projects as individuals. We plant more crops, expecting a better harvesting experience, and we are also now able to invest in livestock through the income generated from the piece jobs we get from Madam Kamlomo’s farm. We are extremely happy as a community, and we hope she continues to serve the community in Mitundu and others as well.”

The Kamlomo farming intervention is a unique initiative that is transforming lives and breaking down the devastations of poverty while instilling hope and a sense of responsibility among rural residents.

Agriculture remains the backbone of Malawi's economy, accounting for 30% of the total GDP and generating over 80% of national export earnings.

Kamlomo, who started her farming journey with a big dream in 2016, has since grown into a successful farmer and entrepreneur, supplying food to residents in the capital city and different parts of the country.

"I started farming because it's something I have always been passionate about, and I also wanted to leave a legacy for my children long after I'm gone," says Kamlomo.

"As a woman, I believe it's important to have financial independence and provide for my family, just like a man would."

Kamlomo takes pride in transforming lives through job creation and sharing her work on social media to inspire and motivate young men and women in Malawi.

"My aim is to break the misconception that farming is old-fashioned and only for the poor or uneducated. It is for everyone, and I can confidently testify to the great benefits of farming," she says.

Giving back to her community and country is Kamlomo's goal as a farmer.

She envisions a prosperous Malawi with no citizens facing hunger or food shortages.

Kamlomo's farming ventures also include piggery farming and honey processing, among others.

Currently, Kamlomo has two permanent workers and hires temporary labourers ranging from ten to forty individuals during planting and harvesting seasons.

Her work is part of the amazing B Project, which aims to uplift the lives of ordinary Malawians by equipping them with essential knowledge and farming skills to address challenges such as hunger, poverty, and financial instability.

Kamlomo's Amazing B Project is making a significant impact in rural Malawi, providing temporary employment and empowering individuals to improve their livelihoods through farming.

As Malawi's rural communities face the challenges of poverty and limited opportunities, initiatives like the Amazing B Project are bringing hope and creating positive change in these communities.

Kamlomo's dedication and expertise are inspiring community members to strive for a better future, one crop at a time.

This story was made possible with the support of Google News Initiative's News Equity Fund. #GNIChallenge