Ever heard of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri? Chances are, either you have attended his crowd-pulling church services or seen him in newspapers adverts only—or else, you don’t have any idea of who this man is!

Journalism is exciting! A journalist witnesses important or interesting events as they unfold; a journalist talks to important or interesting people of his society, community or foreign countries.

It was on Saturday, October 02, 2010 when I had a rare opportunity of meeting one of the country’s prominent church leaders whom I later learnt is held in high esteem—not only in this country, but also abroad.

In fact, I was told that even the world-famous Nigeria preacher, T.B Joshua has high respect for him.

He is Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.

The man of God had a press briefing in down town Lilongwe on his forthcoming international crusade in the city from 29 to 31 October.

First, I asked him to tell me a bit about the religious festival.

He says, ‘This international crusade will take place from 30 October to 1 September, and we are expecting other preachers from abroad. The theme of this meeting is ‘Hand of God’ because, we expect people to be blessed by God during the meeting.’

Knowing pretty well that this was one those rare opportunities of meeting him face to face, I thought it was time to ask Prophet Bushiri some sticky questions that many would have asked I guess.

After all I was there to represent the masses out there!

I was a bit hesitant at first, but I gathered courage and threw the bomb shell:

‘Prophet’, I said, ‘some people think these mass crusades are nothing but money-making schemes.’

The soft-spoken man of God smiled, and then said:

‘I believe in believe in medicine, but I don’t trust medicine. Hospitals treat but God heals,’ says the man of God.

Of late the country has been awash with reports of some parents preventing their own children from taking measles vaccination or treatment—all in the name of religion.

So I asked the man of God what he thought of this line of reasoning which has already cost lives.

‘Is it right for anyone who believes in God to get medical treatment?’, I quizzed Prophet Bushiri.

‘No where in the Bible does God forbids taking medicine,’ he says.

‘But is it not a sign of lack of faith, prophet, to take medication?’

‘I don’t thinking taking medication is a sign of lacking faith. Like I said before, hospitals treat but God heals,’ the soft-spoken prophet says.

So that was a rare encounter with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.