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ESA journalists challenged to report on tobacco harm reduction

Tobacco harm reduction proponents have called on Eastern and Southern African journalists to do in-depth reporting on Tobacco harm reduction and the provision of smoke-free alternatives.

Tobacco harm reduction proponents have called on Eastern and Southern African journalists to do in-depth reporting on Tobacco harm reduction and the provision of smoke-free alternatives.

Director of External Affairs at Pan African Entrepreneurs, Haurouna Ly, told a virtual meeting for Africa Reporter’s Network for harm reduction recently that the media has a crucial role to play in raising awareness on the smoke-free alternatives that are currently available.

“Sometimes we may be discussing these issues without the concerned people, who happen to be the smokers themselves. If the media reports more on this, it may assist in having their voices heard. There are many other actors in this sector such as regulators and health experts we would want to reach out to and engage with,” he said.

In his presentation, Philip Morris International (PMI) Head of Scientific Engagement, Ignacio Gonzalez Suarez said it is important for people to know about the science, have a debate about the products, and how they can prevent the harm that combustible cigarettes pose.

“It’s important for people to understand how science can help in the public health perspective. Sharing information is important and we are happy to discuss this information with anybody. It’s not about trust and believing in what I’m saying, it’s about checking the evidence on your side and having a productive debate out there,” he said.

PMI is one of the companies that buy Malawi’s tobacco, which is the country’s main foreign exchange earner.

Among others, the tobacco harm reduction products include; heated tobacco products, Snus (a tea bag that contains tobacco), and Vapour products which may be used.

These products use Tobacco but the tobacco is smoke-free.

The Africa Reporter’s network meeting was held under the theme: Information sessions for media about science and harm reduction.