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  • ESCOM condemns fake electricity installation agents in Salima

ESCOM condemns fake electricity installation agents in Salima

The issue of combating fake agents was raised in a round table meeting conducted by ESCOM in the district.

Electricity Supply Cooperation of Malawi (ESCOM) on Friday condemned the presence and increase of fake agents in the electrical installation process in the district.

ESCOM Regional Manager, Macvittie Chipwanya, said they are concerned by an increase in the number of people claiming to be sent by ESCOM who end up scamming people in the district.

“It is unfortunate that people unknowingly trust and give money to these so-called agents for easier and faster processing of electrical installation processes which is not even recommended by our offices,” said Chipwanya.

He further said that ESCOM doesn’t condone the use of agents but rather that their valued customers work directly with their direct employees.

Chipwanya called on Salima citizens to work hand in hand with their office to expose all the wrongdoers who are stealing money in the name of ESCOM.

Chairman for Salima Concerned Citizens Joseph Kandiyesa hailed ESCOM officials for the effort they are taking to protect all the communities from fake agents.

“We are so grateful as we have seen that things have changed for the better since the arrival of Mr. Chipwanya,” said Kandiyesa.

Winston Mwawa, a victim of fake agents, thanked ESCOM for all the interventions they are doing in reducing the vice.

“I lost a lot of money after selling my houses, cars, and animals only to get the long waited electricity,” said Mwawa.

The issue of combating fake agents was raised in a round table meeting conducted by ESCOM in the district.