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  • Four people fined K780,000 for violating forest regulations in Chitipa

Four people fined K780,000 for violating forest regulations in Chitipa

The convicts failed to produce valid documents when questioned by police officers stationed at the roadblock.

Malawi: The Chitipa First Grade Magistrate's Court fined four people K780,000.00 for being found in possession of forest produce and trafficking forest produce without a licence, both in violation of Section 68 of the Forest Act 2019.

According to Chitipa Police Deputy Sergeant Rabson Mkandawire, the court heard from state prosecutor Inspector Oscar Mwamutowe that the convicts, Andrew Mbange, 49, Simon Msukwa, 43, Daniel Munyimbiri, 27, and Tenson Kayange, 36, were arrested at Kapoka Police Roadblock while transporting timbers from Wiliro to Chitipa Township.

The convicts failed to produce valid documents when questioned by police officers stationed at the roadblock.

Two of the convicts were charged with illegal forest produce trafficking, while the owners of the timbers were charged with being found in possession of forest produce without a licence.

When they appeared in court, the convicts pleaded guilty to the charges brought against them.

Inspector Mwamutowe, the state prosecutor, told the court in his submission that the offence committed by the convicts is serious in nature and that the convicts are dangerous globally as well as nationally, given the global fight against climate change.

The convicts pleaded for mercy, claiming they were first-time offenders and breadwinners.

In passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Billy Ngosi fined one driver K150,000.00 and fined the other convicts K80,000.00 each.

Timber owners received fines of K300,000 and K250,000.00, respectively.

The court also ordered that the forest produce be returned to the Malawi government.