Gaming, Lotteries board support APAM

APAM National Coordinator, Maynard Zacharia said that as an organization they are also excited about the donation.

MALAWI: The Malawi Gaming Board and National Lotteries Board have assisted the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) with supplies aimed at improving the health of Persons With Albinism (PWAs) in the country.

The donated items include; sunscreen lotion, sunglasses, soap, and hats all worth about K3 million.

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the donation on Thursday at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) in Lilongwe, Malawi Gaming Board-National Lotteries Board Director of Legal Services, Ofwa Alide said that they decided to make the donation after observing the challenges which PWAs face in the country.

“Actually as a board we were concerned with the challenges that our friends with albinism face in the country, we observed that they have a lot of needs which are not taken care of hence we decided of extending a little bit of help towards them,” Alide said.

She added that they will keep on supporting APAM when it wants help to maintain the living standards of PWAs in the country.

“Today we have just done a little bit of help as we have not managed to cover all the needs of these persons with albinism, however, our door is always open as APAM officials can approach us whenever they want help and we will be able to consider their request,” she said.

In her comment, KCH Dermatology Department Head, Tenganawo Kafwafwa thanked Malawi Gaming Board and National Lotteries Board for supporting APAM.

“The care of PWAs is usually forgotten; therefore we are very grateful for the donation as the items which have been donated are the ones which we recommend when it comes to the care of PWAs,” Kafwafwa said.

Commenting on the same, APAM National Coordinator, Maynard Zacharia said that as an organization they are also excited about the donation.

“As APAM we are very excited with the donation because issues to do with albinism are always talked about when there are attacks and issues of attacks overshadows the challenges that PWAs do face and one major challenge which PWAs do face in the country is a health-related challenge.

“PWAs their skin is very sensitive to the sun and they have short sight and these really affect them in their day to day life hence the coming of the donation by Malawi Gaming Board and National Lotteries Board is really welcomed,” he said.

He, therefore, urged other well-wishers including individuals and organizations to also support APAM in a quest to improve the health and welfare of PWAs in the country.