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Get to know Institute of Heavy Equipment in Malawi (IHEM)

The first cohort ran from July 7th to August 7th, 2022. And seeing the first students operating the machine under IHEM made me happy.

AN INTERVIEW WITH….Gilbert Nkhwangwa, Operations Manager of the Institute of Heavy Equipment in Malawi (IHEM)

Tell us a brief background about your business.

The Institute of Heavy Equipment in Malawi is a legally registered institution with the Malawian government and primarily focuses on providing operators with knowledge and skills, as well as certification. IHEM has been in operation since June 2022.

What do you love about your business?

It is an innovation created by young people that has not existed in Malawi for the past 58 years of independence.

Who inspires you?

After witnessing the high levels of youth unemployment, we’re encouraged a lot…and this inspires us, too.

What are three tools you couldn’t do your business without and why?

Machines, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), and Fuel

What is your secret to success?

Concentrate on vision, risk-taking, and hard work.

What is the moment that you are most proud of?

The first cohort ran from July 7th to August 7th, 2022. And seeing the first students operating the machine under IHEM made me happy.

Is there anyone you would like to say thank you to?

Yes, my boss Madalitso Lazaro (IHEM CEO), Acram Training Manager 123 Mulani Investment RSA for accrediting IHEM, and everyone who believed in us for the first time.

What are your future plans?

We are aiming to build a large heavy equipment plant in Malawi so that, in addition to training operators, we can hire them out and establish other IHEM subsidiary companies.

How can people find you?

We have our headquarters in Malosa, Zomba, but we also have branches in Lilongwe, Area 1 Malangalanga, and Mzuzu, Katoto Secondary School ( October only then will relocate).

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.ihem-mw.com