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  • A glimpse into the First Intergenerational Dialogue on Generation Equality and Women’s Leadership conference in Malawi

A glimpse into the First Intergenerational Dialogue on Generation Equality and Women’s Leadership conference in Malawi

Following the launch of the conference on Thursday, the next next three days will be so eventful....let us take a glimpse of what is in store

MALAWI: Following the opening ceremony this morning, participants will later engage in a high-level discussion between pan-African and Malawian women leaders, during which they will share opportunities and challenges.

Later in the afternoon, the participants will engage in an intergenerational dialogue to reflect on what it means to be an African Woman leader.

Participants will share their experiences, lessons learned, and opportunities. We will also hear about young leaders' expectations and the support they require to rise and achieve their goals.

Organizers will present awards to "Former First" in the evening.

These are the women who were the first to hold positions of power in Malawi's various sectors.

Organizers will also present a Lifetime Achievement Award to the continent's first elected President, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Plan International is sponsoring a Girls and Young Men Conference tomorrow.

The Girls Conference will provide an opportunity to hear from girl activists, among other things. Her Excellency Madame Monica Chakwera, Malawi's First Lady, will launch the "Education Plus Initiative," which will promote girls' education in Malawi.

Madame Jewel Taylor, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia, founded the Jewel Starfish Foundation in Liberia, whose mission is to provide the next generation of female leaders with skills and tools to help them become significant contributors to their communities and society.

Her foundation helps 20 girls at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School. As a result, Jewel will speak at the event. She has also brought girls from Liberia with her.

A session for young boys will also be held to discuss their role in advancing Generational Equality.

Young women leaders and young men leaders will have the opportunity to discuss gender equality issues.

Then, led by COMESA, participants will lay a billboard at the site where we will soon begin construction of the COMESA Women in Business Headquarters.

Later in the afternoon, a gala dinner will be held to kick off the business dialogue, and awards will be given to individuals and organizations from Malawi and around the world who support women's businesses and initiatives, including Nigeria, and the United States, and Sweden.

The international business forum will continue on Saturday.

The conference will bring together 1500 women from rural areas for the closing ceremony on Saturday afternoon.

These are women who work tirelessly all hours of the day and night to provide for their families.

Together with TNM, organizers will launch their own version of M-Pesa, an e-banking service that will allow women to bank their money and send money with ease using mobile phones.

Why is it that women in Africa hustle, looking for food, prepare the food and put the food on the table yet they are the ones who eat last and eat the least? This is one of the questions we will answer during the Conference, Joyce Banda, former preseident of Malawi, convener of the conference.