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  • Gotani Hara's quizzes continue to challenge students in her district

Gotani Hara's quizzes continue to challenge students in her district

Since its inception in the 2021 academic year, the competition has become a household name in the constituency, and it is now in its second season.

MALAWI: Catherine Gotani Hara who is a Member of Parliament for Mzimba North East Constituency continues to motivate learners in her area to work hard in school through inter-school quiz competitions.

The 2022 Mzimba North East Constituency Quiz Competition was officially opened on Friday at Enyezini Secondary School ground in the constituency.

Speaking on behalf of Gotani Hara, Gerald Mbizi, who is her Personal Assistant (PA), said quiz competition goes a long way in fostering hard work and good relationships among students from different schools.

"Students are encouraged to work hard and as schools, they are able to interact with one another; hence, knowing each other. On the other hand, teachers work extra hard to produce the best teams to represent schools; as a result, students learn and gain more," said Mbizi.

In his remarks, the competition's coordinator, Zimulange Mhango, who is also the headteacher at Ekwendeni Community Day Secondary School, praised Gotani Hara for sponsoring the competition, saying such an activity motivates students to work hard in their academic endeavours.

Mhango said: "Despite that, the amount has remained the same for two years, but somehow learners learn something in terms of the best performers because they are encouraged to compete with other learners from other institutions. Let the quiz competition among schools encourage intra-school competition so that top learners are chosen to compete at constituency level."

Since its inception in the 2021 academic year, the competition has become a household name in the constituency, and it is now in its second season.

This season, eight schools will compete, just as they did last year. Ekwendeni, Choma, Kwakupoker, Enyezini, Chimbongondo, Njuyu, Baula, and Emvuyeni Community Day Secondary Schools are among them.

Secondary schools will compete for K1.5 million, while primary schools will compete for K1 million.