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  • Government assures Malawians of food security, urges citizens to embrace sustainable farming methods

Government assures Malawians of food security, urges citizens to embrace sustainable farming methods

The country is yet to recover from two devastating cyclones namely; Cyclone Gombe and Tropical Storm Ana which made landfall in early 2022.

Malawi: The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) is assuring Malawians that no one will die of hunger in the country, as relief items have already been distributed to families declared food insecure, writes Memory Phoso.

Kalemba also emphasized that the government has mobilized resources to reach out to around 3.8 million people who were declared food insecure during the 2022–23 lean season.

He urged the citizenry to stop relying on handouts, which he said bring dependence and laziness, and instead embrace solar irrigation farming.

"If we go to solar irrigation, which is sustainable, people will be able to harvest three times every year, which will help people be food secure and financially stable. We need to move out of this disaster of perpetual food insecurity when this country can be food secure," Kalemba added.

The DoDMA together with the Department of Climate Change Meteorological Services (DCCMS), is closely monitoring Tropical Cheneso, and has prepositioned relief items and search and rescue teams should the cyclone make landfall in the country.

DCCMS Director Lucy Mtilatila said that the chances are minimal for Cyclone Cheneso to make landfall in the country, but urged people to move away from disaster-prone areas.

The country is yet to recover from two devastating cyclones namely; Cyclone Gombe and Tropical Storm Ana which made landfall in early 2022.