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  • Head Mistress Mtambo Seeks Funds for Malawi Classroom Construction Project

Head Mistress Mtambo Seeks Funds for Malawi Classroom Construction Project

Ms. Tionge Mtambo Head Mistress of Tondola Primary School Seeks Funds for Classroom Construction in Malawi, writes Winston Mwale.

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CHITIPA, MALAWI - Ms. Tionge Mtambo, headmistress of Tondola Primary School in the remote area of Chitipa, a district in the northern part of Malawi, is raising funds for the construction of a classroom block to provide her learners with a proper learning facility, writes Winston Mwale.

Currently, the students are forced to learn under the shelter of a tree, and with winter approaching, the cold winds and heavy rains are hindering their access to education, a basic right.

"We do have other classroom blocks that house other classes, but a section of these is in need," said Ms. Mtambo.

"Being new to the leadership, it is incumbent on me to find permanent solutions to this predicament while waiting for officials to come in, which may take more time than necessary."

Ms. Mtambo is determined to provide her students with a conducive learning environment and is seeking funds to construct a classroom block that will have two classrooms.

The funds raised will be used to build the much-needed facility, which will enable the learners to have adequate time to complete their curriculum without needing to share classes with learners from a higher class.

"We believe that education is a basic right, and it is our responsibility to ensure that our students have access to quality education," said Ms. Mtambo.

"With a proper classroom block, our students will be able to learn comfortably and focus on their studies, regardless of the weather conditions."

Ms. Mtambo is appealing to donors and well-wishers to support her fundraising efforts to construct the classroom block for the students of Tondola Primary School.

Any amount will make a difference and contribute towards providing these learners with a brighter future.

"We are grateful for any support we receive towards this cause," said Ms. Mtambo. "Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these young learners and help them achieve their educational goals."

Donations can be made through gofundme platform.