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  • Hellen Chabunya: My personal thoughts and points of reflection as a citizen of Malawi

Hellen Chabunya: My personal thoughts and points of reflection as a citizen of Malawi

We did not expect a smooth road as signs were there from going that we needed to heal, blend and grow for the sake of progress!

Rural Malawi open to the world via Satellite TV - Space in Africa

MALAWI: We did not expect a smooth road as signs were there from going that we needed to heal, blend and grow for the sake of progress! We needed to remain optimistic because the promise of a better future even if it is for the next generation is a far greater cause than our present discomfort.

We trusted that our loyalty to Malawi would always be far greater than that to an individual or a political party.

I recall the great personal sacrifices that Malawians from all walks of life made in expressing their anger, their desire, and in using their vote to usher in change. I cannot celebrate division because of the great cost and impact it will have on the much-needed progress for Malawi.

Our country and her people are burdened with living in impoverished man-made conditions that are only comparable to a war-torn country. Our lived experience is one of the unfortunate circumstances that cost lives, steal futures, end dreams and we remain stagnant. As if we are cursed to run around in a circle of unmet expectations.

It is Malawians that lose when elephants fight... Our grass can and surely will be greener but we must find a way to honour the divine grace and favour that has followed Malawi through numerous elections without a civil war.

This is not the time to celebrate a very clear breakdown to a mission that we all took up arms to push forward. This is the time the same amount of energy that was used to get us across the line must now be directed to speak life, love, hope and serve as a reminder that the battle was won so that we could wage a WAR against the forces that have kept our beloved country and her children poor.

My prayer is that we are all reminded that our commitment is to Malawi, by nature humans offend humans and conflict is inevitable in any relationship but what matters to secure the future of the relationship is how bridges are built and not how higher walls are built.

I remain committed and faithful to the mission of a better Malawi. We need to detest from always letting politics win at the cost of the countries future! We must stay on course to ensure we salvage whatever we can for Malawi.

Donors, Investors, and Tourists do not come to politically unstable countries. Likewise, citizens do not take business risks or spend disposable income thus stunting the economy. Everyone plays a wait-and-see game. We simply do not have the luxury of time to wait and see.

We must be intentional in our efforts to better our country.