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  • Inadequate funding impeding fight against GBV in Mzimba North

Inadequate funding impeding fight against GBV in Mzimba North

Mzimba North's district social welfare officer told AfricaBrief that they receive K146,000 per month, which is insufficient for the office's operations, such as purchasing water and fuel.

Malawi: The lack of adequate funds concerns Mzimba North social welfare because it has a significant impact on the fight against Gender-Based Violence, which continues at an alarming rate.

This is according to Mafuleka Helen Simwaka, Mzimba North's district social welfare officer.

Simwaka told AfricaBrief that they receive K146,000 per month, which is insufficient for the office's operations, such as purchasing water and fuel.

Meanwhile, Simwaka stated that they receive abuse cases on a weekly basis, which is a good sign for them as an office.

According to Simwaka, they receive these abuse reports through their community officers.

Meanwhile, Plan Malawi's Youth Friendly Health Officer, George Milinyu, stated that they are on the right track in terms of ending GBV cases, but that more needs to be done.

Milinyu stated that they are still not there due to other challenges such as a lack of resources and others failing to report due to cultural beliefs.

All of this was said at the launch of Mzuzu University's 16 Days of Activism, which takes place every year from November 25 to December 10, and this year's theme is Unite! Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls Activism