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  • Introducing ….The Business Side Newsletter

Introducing ….The Business Side Newsletter

Now there’s one sure way to monitor the cream of new ideas and developments emerging worldwide… The Business Side Newsletter


One good idea can put you ahead of your competition!!! And we have more than one for you…

Each year, 1, 000’s of products and services are introduced throughout the world. But how can you find the ones that will benefit your field of operations?

Now there’s one sure way to monitor the cream of new ideas and developments emerging worldwide…

The Business Side Newsletter!

A Service of AfricaBrief!!!

The Business Side Newsletter!

Because AfricaBrief recognizes a pressing need for an acknowledged online marketplace for new ideas, developments and technology in the business world.

The Business Side Newsletter!

Who Is It For?

It’s for those people in almost any field of business and industry endeavour who want to stay…one…step…ahead!!

It’s for manufacturers, sales organizations, bankers, importers/exporters, and government officials-anyone who has a stake (or wants to claim one) in a brighter economic future.

Thousands of readers read “The Business Side Newsletter" regularly to stay ahead of the competition.

Isn’t that where you want to be, too?

Is The Business Side Newsletter for your eyes only?

Not by a long shot. It belongs to your production sales executives and your key engineering staff.

It’s for everyone in your organization who has the talent and aggressiveness to spot a new sales opportunity, recognize a meaningful production saving, adapt a technological discovery or project an improved profit picture.

The Business Side Newsletter...is a fast, easy-reading online-based newsletter—designed to give you comprehensive information in the shortest reading time.

Is it Thorough?

Is it ever! It’s amazingly thorough without being encyclopaedic. The Business Side Newsletter editors evaluate and select from thousands of international offerings to bring you ONLY the best new ideas.

Complete with technical descriptions, licensing, manufacturing and sales opportunities, contacts, addresses, and other practical information which allows you to follow an interesting prospect IMMEDIATELY.

What’s A Good Idea Worth?

Only one new idea developed into a commercially viable product or service in your company or as an individual could make you thousands of dollars.

That cost for….

Subscribing & Advertising With…."The Business Side Newsletter": Classified ads for cars, jobs, real estate, and everything else.

With AfricaBrief, you don't just advertise your products or services-they tell your success story via advertorials written by their award-winning wordsmiths.

The Business Side Newsletter will be published weekly in our selected WhatsApp Groups, SIMULTANEOUSLY….reaching more readers.

Imagine blasting your 50-word advert in 2, 3, 4…10 WhatsApp Groups, SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!!

Buy, sell, trade, and explore in vast collection of Where-to-go-for-what Newsletter classified ads at an affordable fee.

Sample Advert:


An Incredible Invention

Proven to cut electricity costs by up to 50%. Manufacturer seeks Malawian distributors for this top quality high tech product with amazing customer demand.

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Call/Whatsapp: +265991500730 or +265 888 58 15 18 for details.