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Korean Ginseng Cures Erectile Dysfunction

The adage “ignorance is no defence” is usually not used in good faith. It is counter to a plea for pardon by someone who has violated the law out of ignorance, writes Ed-Grant Ndoza, MANA.

Malawi-The adage “ignorance is no defence” is usually not used in good faith. It is counter to a plea for pardon by someone who has violated the law out of ignorance, writes Ed-Grant Ndoza, Malawi News Agency.

And those taking charge of arbitration to move further to rain penalties on the accused, rubbishing the plea.

But Scriptures from the Bible reverse the adage by blaming the misery some people navigate through squarely on ignorance.

In the Holy Bible, Hosea  Chapter 4, verse 6, God laments, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”   

In the same vein,  today, men must not perish because of ignorance or a lack of knowledge. Men who have had no single problem with their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) system from birth, as it has been routinely and spiritually shaped, must not cast the Devil when they suddenly notice strange and abnormal behaviour in their manhood.  

If one can wake up one morning only to realise that his manhood has been robbed of the usual erection,  the wise and helpful thing to do is to rush to the nearest health facility to request a diabetes test.

In event that you have diabetes, the physician will quickly attribute the elusive erection to a physiological challenge known as erectile dysfunction ( ED), an embarrassing condition that waters down men’s chauvinism and egoism.

Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man struggles to achieve an erection, strong and stiff enough to sustain the full length and round of sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is mainly caused by vascular disease (a disease that damages endothelial cells of the blood system) and neuropathy ( disease of the peripheral nervous system-PNS), as a result of rapid and continuous sugar level cravings in people suffering from diabetes.

Diabetes, commonly known as diabetes mellitus,  is a metabolic disease that causes hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) in the body. Diabetes, a noncommunicable disease,  is developed when a body organ, the pancreas,  fails to secrete enough insulin hormone to regulate glucose levels in the body.

The disease may also be a result of the body's inability to effectively use the produced insulin, which is referred to as insulin resistance.

“Insulin facilitates the transportation of sugar from the blood system to body cells for storage or to be used as energy,” explains freelancer Stephanie Watson,  in her article published in  Healthline Media.

In a diabetic person, the impairment of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin or because of insulin resistance, the blood system is saturated with glucose which leads to hyperglycemia. ( High blood sugar levels).

About 35% to 50% of men with Type 2 diabetes are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction.

In the Journal of Sexual Medicine, published in  May 2014,  Urogist  Dr. Zachary R. Mucher said vascular disease damages the blood vessels of the  ‘blood' circulatory system and, coupled with damaged nerves, collapses the entire systemic process of erection generation in the manhood ( penis).

The damage to nerves and arteries also impacts smooth muscles and fibrous tissues in the chamber of the penis where erection is generated.

There is no sexual arousal communication between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system ( CNS) to charge the penis in its state of poor or no blood flow at all, due to blockages in the damaged blood vessels.

Studies by the School of Sexual Medicine at Boston University established that in Type 2 diabetic people, erectile tissues are altered or permanently damaged with uncontrolled elevated blood sugar levels which cause injuries in blood vessel  lining ( endothelial) cells,  leading to arterial blockages. 

The manhood is made up of smooth muscles that house the penile erectile tissues.   The tissues, tucked  in the penile chamber, expand to  spark an erection once the  chamber is filled with blood, in a normal and steady blood flow environment.

Damage on the nerves and blockages of blood vessels, respectively, further impact ED by    suppressing   production of testosterone, a sex drive hormone and  nitric oxide ( NO). Nitric oxide ,  also known as nitrogen monoxide (NM), is an  important chemical compound that relaxes the smooth muscle of the penis, for easy blood flow  upon a sexual arousal.

Buffalo University online journal,  ‘Diabates, Obesity and  Metabolism’  reported  that 33% of men with diabetes Type 2 experience terrible reduction in testosterone hormone.

Nerves dysfunction result into the brain failure to receive  sexual enticing stimulation for it to  command  speedy production of testosterone hormone in the balls ( testicles).

Diminished levels of  testosterone and nitric oxide  is a horrible deficiency in men who can absolutely not detect and respond to any degree of  sexual stimulation, enticement and arousal, even by a woman who exhausts all romantic  antics and sexual dexterities in the book.

There seems to be absolutely no specific age bracket in diabetic  men who can fall victims to  ED. Unfortunately, young  men,  even unmarried ones, can become impotent as long as their diabetic condition has created an impairment in the PNS and blood circulatory system.

“Poor sugar control can permanently ruin sexual function in men at very early stage,” said Dr. Nathan Starke of Houston Methodist On Health, who specialises in men’s health.

There is more risk with diabetic young men who consume beer  excessively. They  are either  aggrevagating  the situation or nourishing  a nursery bed for steady  blossoming of  ED.  Alcohol contained in beer is a serious libido depressant.

Alcohol addicted young men are  unknowingly clinging  by a thread to dismal   chances  of fathering  children, a risk factor that stifles  generation sustainability.

A man who  was previously potent will know he has developed impotence  when he experiences terrible reduction in sexual desire, inability to bargain  for an active erection and a challenge to sustain an  erection to cover a full marathon  of a sexual act.

ED is a s source of redicle,embarrassment and conduit  of stress to men, owing to  persistent  futile attempts on sexual activities. It also precipitates   sour relationships between couples, especially with  wives  who attach  great value to sexuality as a divine marriage  bond individual partners swear to alwsys honour, respect and satisfy,  during wedding vows, presided over by men of the collar  (church ministers).

There is  old societal understanding that   “the strength of a man is calculated on how he hastily springs up after falling down.”.  This understanding is a total mockery in  some misguided cultures where status  and integrity of a man is only  evaluated  by the number of pregnancies he claims  responsibility.

In such cultures, ED remains one of  major out of court certified reasons  for marriage breakaways, that even the most argumentative marriage counsellors,  from the man’s side, will easily endorse, with faces cast down.

With  the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases ( SITs),including HIV and AIDS, couples with impotent husbands are at great risk of  landing themselves  in  trouble. Unfaithful women partners may pluck undue  audacity to engage in random searches for sexual satisfaction from other ‘ healthy' men.

Fortunately,  ED has scientifically proven   treatment.  There are herbal medicines that can treat this  importance. The Korean red ginseng  has the potential to  reverse and cure ED, studies claim.

The herbal medicine which has been extensively written about  by different authours and medical  journals ,  is believed to be helpful in reversing vascular endothelial abnormalities in men.

Ginseng, an East Asian plant, is one of eleven  (11) varieties  of short, slow growing plants with fresh roots stalks resembling  a human body, through  features like  arms and legs.

The Asian ginseng,  Ginseng Panax in  Latin, is  native in China, Korea and far eastern Siberia  where it’s  roots have been used for years as  supplements for Chinese herbal medicines .  

As herbal medicine, it is categorised into  white and red ginseng types, names given to the herbal medicines just by  different processes the root goes  through. Ginseng plant matures after 6 years but roots can  always be harvested when it is 4 years old.

In  article,  ‘ Ginseng Benefits for Erectile Dysfunction'  rewiewed by Jill Johnson of  HIMS Telemedicines  Inc., it has been made clear that white ginseng is a product processed from dried roots while the Korean red ginseng goes through a steaming  process involving extraction and contraction technique. It is taken inform of liquid ,  powder, and capsules, and roots can also be boiled and consumed as tea.

 Debra Rose Wilson , who writes for  Medical News Today, says ginseng has unique  properties like ginsenoside, which boosts  production of sex drive hormone, testosterone  from the balls (testicles) and influences production of nitric oxide from vascular cells, potential to relax penile muscles for  steady blood flow that sparks  an erection.  Ginseng can also be processed into a powerful tonic that shoots up men’s vatality that complements an erection to achieve a sexual activity.

Studies about the effectiveness of ginseng in curing ED, reported in International Journal of  Impotence, reveal that ginseng decreases premature ejaculation and significantly improves sexual performance in ED men, a breakthrough echoed by the American Academy of Family Physicians ( (AAFP), which claims that consuming 900 milligrams of ginseng three (3)  times a day, tremendously improves erection.

Gavin Van De Walle of Healthline, says penile muscle relaxation allows easy flow of blood to the chamber inside the penis.

“ The flow of blood to the penile chamber activates the erectile tissues to expand to achieve and maintain an erection, sufficient enough for an entire intercourse duration,”  writes  Amy Price in The Journal of Family  Practice, in an article ‘ Ginseng Traditional Asian Remedy’.

The paradox with ED is that it has no negative impact on a man's fertility. It only disables the whole sexual machinery.

Erectile dysfunction will be a permanent thorn in the flesh of men, going by their reluctance to embrace health-seeking behaviour.

Most men do not periodically take a diabetes test to establish their diabetic status. In a single file, they will be meeting a rude awakening to astonishingly wake up one morning only to discover that they are barren in their stable state of fertility.