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  • Lamba to take on power challenges in Africa

Lamba to take on power challenges in Africa

Mandla Lamba, a billionaire, visionary, and industrialist, has pledged to take Africa off the current unreliable electric grid and provide a dependable alternative power grid.

South Africa: Mandla Lamba, a billionaire, visionary, and industrialist, has pledged to take Africa off the current unreliable electric grid and provide a dependable alternative power grid for both businesses and households through innovation and AI technology at Agilitee, writes Bonisile Makhubu.

According to Dr. Lamba, Agilitee created the system in collaboration with his Green EV Battery Manufacturing company, A7. The former is developing the technology and system, while the latter is developing energy storage systems for both homes and businesses.

"Agilitee has completed building its off-grid electric system for both households and businesses across the continent," the charismatic Billionaire Mandla Lamba said.

"The household system can generate and store up to 150kw and looking at a daily average household consumption 11 – 13kw per household per day" Dr. Lamba explained.

According to African Development Bank-AFDB statistics, over 640 million Africans do not have access to energy, resulting in an electricity access rate of just over 40% for African countries, the lowest in the world.

Dr. Lamba stated that this, combined with the continued failure of power utilities such as South Africa's Eskom and Zimbabwe's Zesa to supply power, resulting in crippling power outages, has compelled Agiitee to research, innovate, and develop an off-grid solution.

Agilitee, Africa's first Electric Vehicles, Green Tech, and AI company, and the world's first black-owned company, is currently undergoing an IPO on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-JSE.

"The IPO values Agilitee at $20 billion which is about 320 billion South African Rands, of which i own 77.5% in Agilitee his shares worth $15.5 billion, equivalent to 260 billion South African Rands and it is advised by AcaiaCap Advisors which is a Johannesburg Stock Exchange approved sponsor for the JSE's main board" Dr. Lamba said.

"Agilitee is seeking to have its shares traded through AcasiaCap Advisors which was responsible for the JSE listing of Areit Prop Limited, a very unique Property Reit that listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange's main board and counted as the Second listing on the Exchange in 2022.”

This listing occurred this year in the second week of January.

Access to energy is critical not only for achieving health and education outcomes, but also for lowering the cost of doing business, unlocking economic potential, and creating jobs in Africa.

Agilitee has since developed a weather-friendly and conducive system for generating and storing energy even in adverse weather conditions.

“This for Africans, is not what Agilitee & A7 Squared are bringing but the how of it is the most interesting part. To take an average home off-grid would cost not less $20, 000 but what Agilitee has done must be commended as the Company installs this system in your house at its own cost and the purchaser only pays half of their electricity bill and that amount is treated as a repayment for the system until they finish paying for it and own it" he disclosed.

"The company has even considered that the electricity bill changes every season, so this has been catered for because you pay half of the bill that you usually pay each season which means the company will require your payment records for each season in order to calculate your half each season, ” Lamba further said.

Agilitee will begin installing these on September 1, 2022, with pre-orders opening on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 for those looking to escape power outages in Africa.