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  • Lilongwe Leo Club gear to raise funds for Kunyumba Trust Orphanage

Lilongwe Leo Club gear to raise funds for Kunyumba Trust Orphanage

The Lilongwe Leo Club hopes to raise funds for the Kunyumba Trust Orphanage in Salima, which is in desperate need of food, clothing, blankets, and other necessities.

Malawi: The Lilongwe Leo Club, which was founded in June 2022, aims to raise funds for the Kunyumba Trust Orphanage in Salima, which is in need of food, clothing, blankets, and other necessities, to name a few.

According to President of Leo's Mary Merissa Mkandawire, as a group of young people aged under 30 who are dedicated to carrying out various social activities that support the vulnerable in the community, they are pleased that they are doing their best to raise funds that will help them buy what is required for Kunyumba Trust.

"The Kunyumba Trust Orphanage requires food, clothing, duvets, and other necessities. We understand that as a new club, we will be unable to care for everyone, which is why we are raising funds to purchase the items they require,” she stated.

“We are raising funds in three different ways. First and foremost, we are receiving clothing and food donations. Second, those who are unable to participate physically send monetary donations. Finally, we got together as a group to play games. So anyone who comes to play games must pay a fee ranging from Mk3,000 to Mk5,000.”

Chawanangwa Mzembe, Vice President of Mtunthama Lions Club, a sponsoring club for Leo's Club, stated in his remarks that as a new club, they must continue working hard because raising resources is difficult.

“It's a good start for the Leos, and we hope that they will collaborate to help the needy. As a new club and in terms of assisting the needy, there may be a number of challenges that arise during the process. They must continue to work hard because raising resources is difficult,” he stated.

They, therefore, encouraged young people who want to help others in their community to join, as they also focus on their motto, which is Leadership, Experience, Opportunity, and Service.