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  • Malawi to cough up K4 billion for SADC indaba 

Malawi to cough up K4 billion for SADC indaba 

Malawians urged to be patriotic during the event, saying this is not the time for "badmouthing".

Malawi will have to cough up a whooping K4 billion to host the 41st SADC indaba in Lilongwe from 9-18 August, 2021, it has been learnt.

"The budget has been prepared in accordance to the SADC Minimum Standard requirements that the SADC Council of Ministers approved to be followed by all hosting countries, " said Minister of Foreign Affairs Eisenhower Mkaka, in a joint statement that he made today, together with the Minister of Information Gospel Kazako, in Lilongwe.

"The budget is for a number of activities including the purchase of VVIP and VIP vehicles to be used for the summit and for the long-term rehabilitation and uplifting of the airport apron and the runway of KIA, maintainance and associated painting of the road from KIA to Area 18 and Ufulu Road."

Mkaka said part of the money will also be used for "the payment of the venue, VVIP and delegates, enhancing security during the summit, and purchase of ICT equipment for enhanced virtual participation".

It was also disclosed during the press conference in Lilongwe by the two ministers the EU has "committed to provide K20 million for the procurement of 15 desktop computers for the media centre at the venue" of the summit.

Meanwhile, Kazako urged the country's citizens to be patriotic during the event, saying this is not the time for "badmouthing".

Kazako said the event organisers are doing everything possible to ensure "indigenous" Malawians benefit by buying from local manufacturers.

Malawi will be hosting the 41st SADC Summit from 9th to 18th August,2021 in Lilongwe.

The indaba is expected to attract over 400 delegates, according to the two ministers.