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  • Malawi Parliament launches 2021-2026 Strategic Plan

Malawi Parliament launches 2021-2026 Strategic Plan

Since 2006, Malawi's Parliament has been guided by strategic plans, and this is the fourth such plan to be launched.

Malawi: The Malawi Parliament on August 3, 2022, launched its 2021-2026 Strategic Plan, which will provide guidance to the current cohort of Members of Parliament as well as year one for the next cohort on how to approach the Legislative, Oversight, and Representative functions of Parliament.

Catherine Gotani Hara, Speaker of the Parliament, stated that one of the important pillars that they must focus on as they carry out the Legislative, Oversight, and Representative functions of Parliament over the next five years is a mindset change.

Hara stated that they must accept that they cannot expect new results if they continue to use the same old strategies, which means that they must all be flexible enough in their thinking to devise new strategies that will propel this country to the desired development trajectory.

"For example, as a Parliament, we must be as transparent as possible. We need to be inclusive in our decision-making. If we are to create laws and national budgets that reflect the will of the people, we must solicit input and feedback from all segments of the population,” She elaborated.

She added that if they decide not to remain silent when their constituents are in poverty, this plan can be realized.

"When health and education services deteriorate, we must speak out. We cannot remain silent when women, children, and colleagues with various disabilities are unable to access life-saving services." She stated

In his remarks, the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Kondwani Nankhumwa stated that the 2021-2026 Parliament of Malawi Strategic Plan, whose goal is "a Parliament that effectively and efficiently works for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the people of Malawi," carries the hope and expectations of Malawians as they wait for the development and better life they deserve.

"It is an appropriate time to consider the plight of our children in remote areas who walk long distances to access formal education in search of a better future." He stated

Nankhumwa went on to say that the blueprint they have launched translates the desires of the Constituents they represent, and it is his hope that the values will guide them all to realize the Strategic Plan's vision.

"Several core values are outlined in the document, including professionalism and accountability to one another. It is my hope that the values will guide all of us as we implement the Strategic Plan for the good of our country,” He elaborated.

Ms Maria Ribeiro, the UN Resident Coordinator in Malawi, stated that the Strategic Plan represents a proud moment in the collaboration between the Parliament, the United Nations, and all other cooperating partners who worked on the plan, including AFIDEP and Action Aid, who provided financial and technical support.

Ribeiro stated that all cooperating partners must effectively engage and participate in the existing Governance Structures in order to better coordinate their collective support.

"We look forward to working closely with August House and contributing to the Strategic Plan's ambitions to the greatest extent possible." She stated

Since 2006, Malawi's Parliament has been guided by strategic plans, and this is the fourth such plan to be launched.

The process of developing the 2021-2026 Parliament of Malawi Strategic Plan began in March 2019, with the goal of having it ready by June 2020, but the process was halted due to the COVID-19 challenge and subsequent lockdowns and travel bans.