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  • Malawi Red Cross Society launches three-month mobile clinic initiative

Malawi Red Cross Society launches three-month mobile clinic initiative

The three-month mobile clinic initiative is aimed at providing health services to people affected by Tropical Cyclone Ana.

Malawi: The Malawi Red Cross Society has launched a three-month mobile clinic initiative in response to the effects of tropical cyclones in Malawi.

The three-month mobile clinic initiative is aimed at providing health services to people affected by Tropical Cyclone Ana.

Felix Washon, Communications and Resources Mobilisation Specialist for the Malawi Red Cross Society, stated that the outreach clinics they have been implementing under the humanitarian project have reached many targeted people.

Washon also stated that the outreach clinics they conducted brought closer health services to the people's doorstep

Meanwhile, another component of the project was capacity building, in which the Malawi Red Cross Society provided training to the community on disease surveillance to volunteers so that they could detect emergencies in their local communities.

These volunteers are well-trained, and they believe that even though the project is finished, it will be sustained, said Washon

According to Fred Minjaliwa, the District Environmental Officer for Nsanje District Hospital, the floods in Nsanje had a big impact on their health delivery services, so health facilities and infrastructure were damaged and services were stopped in some areas.

Among the nine Traditional Authorities in Nsanje, seven Traditional Authorities were affected by the impacts of the Tropical Cyclone, and two health facilities are still closed.

Minjaliwa stated that the Malawi Red Cross Society assisted them in several areas, thus the services provided by the Red Cross were integrated, and they were much needed to the community due to the cyclone impacts and that the district is now providing periodic support in those areas, so the Malawi Red Cross Society mobile Clinic's initiative is over.

This initiative began in May 2022 and will conclude in June 2022.

With financial support from UNICEF Malawi, the Malawi Red Cross Society launched this mobile clinic initiative in the districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje, Mulanje, and Phalombe in response to the effects of Tropical Cyclone Ana.