Malawians must move outside the box of demanding leadership freedom and start campaigning for economic freedom, writes Saidi Winnes.

File:John Chilembwe (2).png - Wikimedia Commons

MALAWI: Since the 15th of January, 2022 I have been scrolling down the comments on social media forums, appreciating how Malawians understand the Chilembwe uprising.

It is sad that still, some Malawian citizens do not acknowledge the need for Reverend John Chilembwe to stage the uprising on 15th January 1915 against the inhumane treatment the natives received from the British Government of that time on the estate near his church the Providence Industrial Mission (PIM) in Chiladzulu.

Neither the Chilembwe uprising was politically motivated nor was his desire to get riches and a green pasture in the civil service, but to liberate the Nyasas from exploitation and stop the harsh terms imposed on the natives through the Thangata system.

It is no secret that Chilembwe was not just the 1915 Nyasaland's Icon but also a true patriot and the giant of the land as he managed to stand firm without even bodyguards during his revolutionary uprising, but still, his uprising registered successes that some concerned citizens started revolting against poor humanitarian policies from the whites hence the end of colonialism in Malawi.

It is no secret that his revolt was not merely resistance for change and his longing for self-rule, but to manifest to the general public that clergymen like him can preach trustworthiness and generosity in the church then act accordingly since the majority are hypocritical.

The Chilembwe Day is not set in the public calendar to help people pocket allowances for their participation during the commemorative event, but a day Malawians should be challenged if they are true patriots, who can stand against social injustice occurring in their society.

Chilembwe set a good profile and high standards in the service of this nation, and subsequent Malawians must move outside the box of demanding leadership freedom and start campaigning for economic freedom.

Malawians need to change their mindset and start thinking that they are game changers and it is not time for finger-pointing, but they should rise to that occasion of living in a country where blackouts, food insecurity, and poor social services are a history of a bygone era not news of today.

Mindset change was the reason that contributed to the 1915 uprising since Chilembwe wanted Malawians to be decolonized in their minds and start regarding themselves as development agents.