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MCC forms Covid-19 prevention clusters

By Easter Khunga

Mzuzu, Malawi, July 2, Mana: Mzuzu City Council (MCC) has established Covid-19 prevention clusters to enhance its fight against further spread of the pandemic in the City.

Speaking Wednesday during a Covid- 19 response meeting, MCC Director of Health and Social Services, Lilian Chirwa said the Council has decided to establish public communication, education, social support, public sanitation among other clusters, for it to ably prevent the spread of the pandemic.

“We have put in place 10 clusters to constitute multifaceted efforts in responding to the pandemic which continues to spread in the city,” she said.

Chirwa said the clusters are composed of different professionals with different skills, expertise, capacities and knowledge which can be utilized in fight the spread of Coronavirus.

“As we are aware, the number of people who have tested positive to the virus in the north is increasing at an alarming rate, so far, the region has registered 134 cases out of which 123 are within Mzuzu,” the Director explained.

MCC Spokesperson, Macdonald Gondwe said the establishment of the clusters was a step towards an effective response to the pandemic.

He said the new set up towards Covid-19 prevention would ensure concerted implementation of prevention strategies without duplication of efforts.

“As you are aware that Mzuzu is now experiencing an upsurge of confirmed Covid-19 cases hence the need for these clusters,” Gondwe added.