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The Health Minister said that since the measles outbreak was first reported in the country in January this year, one hundred and ninety five people have died as of 8 August.

Professor David Mphande, who sounded really concerned with the disease outbreak, said that close to seventy seven thousand people were attacked during the same period.

According to the minister, out of the country’s twenty eight districts, only Likoma, Chitipa and Karonga have not reported any cases of the contagious disease so far.

The districts that have been hit hard by the disease, the minister said, are Blantyre, Zomba, Chiradzulu, Lilongwe, Ntcheu, and Kasungu.

The Health Minister said that the government carries out normal routine measles vaccination at its health facilities.

He said the mass immunization campaigns are carried out after three years, saying the next campaign was supposed to take place next year.

But due to the extent of the current problem, a nationwide mass immunization will be undertaken from 16 August to 20 August next week.

On some religious leaders who prohibit their members from accessing treatment, the minister had this to say:' We appeal to these religiuos leaders to consider taking their children for measles vaccination to curb the disease.'

The government is leaving no stone unturned in the next mass measles vaccination campaign: the campaign will be carried out in all the districts, at some eight thousand five hundred permanent, temporary and mobile sites.

Over six million children aged between nine months and fifteen years are targeted during the mass measles vaccination campaign.

The ministry has since warned against any stealing and selling of the vaccines.