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Media crucial in countering tobacco harm reduction misinformation

Phillip Morris International (PMI) says misinformation has hampered its campaign to replace combustible cigarettes with tobacco harm reduction alternatives (By Josephine Chinele).

Phillip Morris International (PMI) says misinformation has hampered its campaign to replace combustible cigarettes with tobacco harm reduction alternatives.

The Director of External Affairs at PMI, Harouna Ly, stated that the organisation believes in open dialogue with all stakeholders, including the media.

Public Speaker and Lecturer in Strategy Integra Africa, Tendai Mhizha, advised media outlets and leaders to be at the forefront of fighting disinformation and misinformation in her presentation titled: News Literacy, Disinformation in Society.

Mhizha noted that, while technology has simplified many things, the digital world has challenges that have had a negative impact on Africa.

Mhizha went on to say that local journalism and civil society organisations (CSOs) can also play an important role in fact-checking, media literacy, and the dissemination of accurate information at a more local level.