Ministry of Agriculture lifts FMD Ban

According to a Ministry press release, this comes after a massive vaccination campaign in the affected districts.

Malawi: The Ministry of Agriculture has lifted the ban on animal movement and slaughter in all districts across the country after no new cases were reported, writes Victor Musongole.

According to a Ministry press release, this comes after a massive vaccination campaign in the affected districts.

The ministry will continue to monitor the disease, according to a press release signed by Secretary of Agriculture Dickxie Kampani on December 19.

Julius Chulu, the ministry's Director of Animal Health and Livestock Development, says the disease has affected more districts this year than in previous years.

Commenting on the development Mbwenu Chirwa a farmer from Manyamula EPA in Mzimba says the ban will help farmers to buy farming equipment and other necessities.

Concurring with Chirwa, Genesis Phiri, a butcher working at Mzimba boma, believes that lifting the ban will help revitalise the district.

Foot and Mouth disease was first identified in Mchinji before spreading to Lilongwe, Lower Shire, and Mzimba, to name a few locations.