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  • Mozambique: Video showing soldiers burning corpses is latest evidence of atrocities in forgotten war in Cabo Delgado

Mozambique: Video showing soldiers burning corpses is latest evidence of atrocities in forgotten war in Cabo Delgado

The video, which Amnesty International reviewed gained traction on social media on 10 January.

The video, which Amnesty International reviewed gained traction on social media on 10 January. The incident is believed to have taken place during the month of November 2022 in Cabo Delgado, where the Southern African Development Community Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) regional force, which includes troops from the South African National Defence Force, has been fighting armed rebel groups since 2021 alongside Mozambique government forces.

The video also depicts at least one South African National Defence Force (SANDF) member, who is seen watching and filming the event. The South African National Defence Force released a statement on 10 January in which they acknowledged SANDF member(s) were present.


Attacks in Cabo Delgado started in October 2017 with killings of civilians by an armed group calling itself Al-Shabaab, which has no known operational relationship with Al-Shabaab in Somalia. SAMIM was established in 2021 to fight Al-Shabaab, and involves personnel from Rwanda, Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.

Amnesty International has previously revealed evidence of extrajudicial executions and other unlawful killings, attempted beheadings, torture, mutilation, and other ill-treatment of alleged Al-Shabaab fighters who were held, as well as the transfer of a large number of corpses to apparent mass graves in Cabo Delgado.