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  • Mustard Seed Communities appeals for donations of food, bedding, and clothing for vulnerable children in Chikwawa

Mustard Seed Communities appeals for donations of food, bedding, and clothing for vulnerable children in Chikwawa

Mustard Seed Communities is a Chikwawa-based Child Care Institution that was founded in Jamaica and began operations in Malawi in 2016.

Malawi: Mustard Seed Communities, one of Chikwawa's Child Care Institutions, is asking for donations of food, bedding, and clothing so that they can accommodate more children, which is becoming increasingly difficult due to unanticipated child population growth in the lower shire valley.

Flora Kaphantengo, Board Chairperson for Mustard Seed Communities in Malawi, told the AfricaBrief on 4 July 2022 that due to the increasing number of orphans and underprivileged children at their facility, it is now difficult for them to care for the children in accordance with the standards.

In order to accommodate more children, they are planning to construct a large home large enough to house a large number of children, particularly from the lower shire Valley District of Chikwawa.

"Our wish is to accommodate, train, and educate more of these vulnerable children to become reliable citizens of Malawi," Kaphantengo said, calling on other well-wishers to come and help them as the situation worsens.

In response to the situation, Aaron Macheso, Chikwawa District Social Welfare Officer, stated that they are aware of the situation at Mustard Seed, and that other Child Care Institutions in the district are in need of food, bedding, and clothing. Macheso went on to say that it is everyone's responsibility to care for these children, not just the child care institutions.

"The responsibility for these children must be shared by the parents, the Chief, and other stakeholders," Macheso added.

Mustard Seed Communities is a Chikwawa-based Child Care Institution that was founded in Jamaica and began operations in Malawi in 2016.