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Mzuzu Journalists shot in the arm by MRCS

Kufandiko also urged the reporters to vaccinate themselves against Covid-19, saying the PPEs on their own cannot be a full panacea to the pandemic but vaccinations are equally essential.

Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) on Saturday took time to donate personal protective equipment (PPEs) to both media houses and their journalists in Mzuzu.

Speaking during the presentation of the materials, MRCS National Coordinator, Roster Kufandiko, said the society decided to donate the PPEs to media outlets and journalists so as to protect them from the current pandemic which seems not to spare anyone.

Kufandiko said: "We thought of donating a little something to the media houses and their journalists so that we add up to the efforts they are already doing in protecting themselves against the Covid-19 pandemic. The materials may not be enough, but at least a half of bread is better than none."

Kufandiko also urged the reporters to vaccinate themselves against Covid-19, saying the PPEs on their own cannot be a full panacea to the pandemic but vaccinations are equally essential.

While commending the gesture, Chairperson for the northern region Nyika Media Club (NMC), Joseph Mwale, said the donation of the materials was a shot in the arm made on time to the journalists, who interact with so many people more often, thereby risking their lives.

"Last week, the MRCS officials were here in Mzuzu donating materials to the hospitals and the prison, so we reasoned with them to consider us, the reporters, who time and again interact with the general public; risking our lives in the process.  And today, they have positively responded to our call by giving us these materials. So, we thank them for the same as the soap and the masks will help us so much in the fight against the pandemic," said Mwale.

The PPEs included cartons of Sunlight soap and cartons of masks worth over K1 million.