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  • NGO empowers local community health club in Chikwawa

NGO empowers local community health club in Chikwawa

Members of the Sekere Community Health Club from Julius Village in the Shire Valley district of Chikwawa have been awarded certificates after completing a 24-session Community Health Club training.

Malawi: Members of the Sekere Community Health Club from Julius Village in the Shire Valley district of Chikwawa have been awarded certificates after completing a 24-session Community Health Club training provided by the Malawi Water Project on October 4, 2022.

In an interview with AfricaBrief, Catherine Madela, one of the attendees, stated that the training has helped them, particularly in caring for their surroundings, which will help them prevent diseases.

Group Village Headman Julius urged the villagers to apply the knowledge they had received in their homes to live healthier lives, as unhealthy people retard development.

Lonnie Khomo, Water for People Community Health Promoter, said that the training was fruitful, as some of the attendees began implementing what they had learned in the first week of the training, and she expects the attendees to continue doing so.

Cooking lessons focusing on how to prepare food enriched with six food groups through the use of different recipes were among the lessons covered during this 24-session CHC training.

Good mothering and parental ability, focusing on how they can best care for their families and children, and hygiene, focusing on how they can best care for their home surroundings, to name but a few.

Malawi Water Project operates in Nkhata bay and Chikwawa, and these trainings were held in Nkhata Bay CHCs and seconded by Sekere, a Chikwawa CHC.